Terra Pope - What I love about Calgary

June 11, 2012

While we're in the same place for the next few months we've invited guests to contribute to There & Here by telling us what they love about their favourite place in the world. Our guest this week is Terra from Calgary.
Terra Pope - Calgary, Heart of the New West
What I love about Calgary is the downtown skyline.
Different from every angle, whether looking at it from afar, or being right in the core, something always amazes me about it. With new buildings going up so frequently, there is constantly something new to look at! So here are some photos I took, from different areas around Calgary where I enjoy going. (I also find the nicknames/slogans people use to refer to Calgary as being quite funny, so I incorporated them into this series too.) Calgary is a thriving growing city, and I can't wait to see where it goes from here!

Terra Pope - Calgary, The Stampede city
Terra Pope - Calgary, Be part of the energy
Terra Pope - Calgary, Cowtown
Terra Pope - Calgary, yyc
Terra Pope Terra is newly graduated from the Graphic Communication and Print Technology program at SAIT Polytechnic. She is currently a barista at deVille Luxury Coffee and Pastries, and plans on traveling and working towards a career in graphic design.

website: terrapope.ca 
flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ter-ra-pin/ 
tumblr: http://mylifeinashoebox.tumblr.com/ 
twitter: @terraepop

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