Our Weekend - March 21-24, 2013

March 25, 2013

Chelsea Watson and Charlotte Senini March 24 weekend photos
Hello! It's Monday! For the first time in ages I had a really restful weekend AND with the upcoming long weekend it's going to be a short work week. So, Monday isn't looking as bad as usual today!

For the past few years I've been working  with PARK, a local nonprofit organization dedicated to providing opportunities to artists and designers in Calgary. Their PARKSHOW (2) fashion show was one of the best events they've done so far and I had a great time there with Kait on Saturday night. Unfortunately, as I've been so busy with contract work lately, I haven't had much time to spend with E. We took Sunday off together and had the best day making breakfast, drinking beer at 510 (4 -- it's almost patio weather!), exploring the Glenbow Museum (5) and catching up on Friday Night Lights. Don't let the highschool drama and football dissuade you, this show is the best thing I've watched in years. Well except this trainwreck of a second season, but I've heard it redeems itself going forward (no spoilers please!).

Charlotte's weekend sounds pretty laid back. After marathon drinking with the girls all day Friday she spent Saturday cuddled up with Chuva (6), puttering in the garden (1) and nursing her hangover. I'm also loving this new piece by Nelspruit artist Kirsten Stapel hanging on her wall. Wish I could be there to see it in person, Charlotte really has the most lovely home!

Charlotte's off to Mozambique for Easter so I'll have to step up my game next weekend. It's tough to compete with a beach holiday but any recommendations around Calgary? Would love to hear them!

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